Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Help us help them.

I first want to say thank you to all who have donated already. You are such a blessing, thank you!!! Our trip is quickly approaching, and I can't believe I will be back on Guatemala soil in a little over a month! I am so grateful that God gave me this opportunity. He has already blessed me with a great team and a wonderful group of supporters. Please keep us in your prayers as we finish up the preparations and head out August 3. 

We are raising support for three different funds to use when we get to Guatemala. The first fund is the infant fund which will go towards buying formula, diapers, and other supplies that babies need in their first year of life to keep them healthy. The next fund is the shoe fund which will go towards buying shoes for those in need. Finally, the last fund is the general ministry fund which will go towards buying any supplies that we need once we get there and see the need in the community. This video explains the three different funds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqQF7nT0tEg

If you would like to help, you can make a check out to either myself, Kathy Jacobs, or to the First Baptist Church. If you would like it to be tax deductible, make it out to the church, but please do not put anything on the memo line of the check. However, do include a piece of paper explaining what the check is for. The addresses are below:

Kathy Jacobs
8 Cardinal Drive
Milton PA 17847

First Baptist Church
316 Golf Course Road
Milton PA 17847 

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me at 570-205-1057 or email me at kathyjoyjacobs@gmail.com.

Muchas gracias!


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