As I was driving, I made lots of turns and decisions. Some were forced decisions: no outlet, one-way, do not enter.
Others were unclear. Do I turn or go straight? Will I be missing out on something if I make the wrong move? Will I get lost?
Others were unclear. Do I turn or go straight? Will I be missing out on something if I make the wrong move? Will I get lost?
Sometimes there are hints and clues- signs and familiar places- while other times you are completely in the dark, and you just have no idea. Neither way seems right and neither way seems wrong. You are forced to make a decision.
You decide and question if it was the right move as you continue on your journey. But as you question and look back, you miss out on the opportunities right in front of you. You miss the blessings on your path. Were there blessing on the other path you didn't choose? Yes. But as long as you are on a path, ready and willing to serve, you will be blessed and be a blessing to others.
Sometimes you'll go, go, and go and then reach a dead end. You feel like you did all that for nothing. But did you? Was it for nothing?
Look at the journey you just went on. Look at the path. Was it the ending you expected? No. But look at the blessings that resulted. A dead end doesn't mean failure. It just means a change in path. It means you are ready to do something new. It's God's way of saying, I need you elsewhere. Don't view this as a failure.
The paths are endless opportunities.
Just don't forget the stop signs, yellow lights, and speed limits. They are there to keep you in place. They are there to protect you and guide you. Your Bible, wise counsel, and God's voice will be there. Continue to look to those as you choose one of the paths God has opened up for you.
There may be construction, dead ends, and U-turns, but God is in those. Look for the way out, look for the lesson, move forward, and don't regret what is behind you.
So what does this mean in my life? Stop waiting at the stop sign and choose a path. Right, left, or straight? If you make wrong turns along the way, God will guide you to where you need to be and will use the path you are on to bless others and yourself.
Choose a path, and don't look back.