"If there's something special you want to do, now is the time. If you want to make a difference in the world, now is the time. Don't be fooled into thinking you should wait until you are older or wiser or more "secure," because it doesn't work that way. The wisdom will come. The security will come. But first you must begin your adventure."
-Ron Atchison.
Early in October of 2010, I felt that God was calling me to go on a mission trip. I was unsure of what He wanted to me to do or where He wanted me to go. I researched mission trips specifically designed for college students, but I did not find anything that I thought would work for me. Weeks passed and I tried to forget about the whole idea of going on a mission trip. I soon realized, however, that it was impossible to stop this nagging feeling I had. God had a plan for me, and until I found it, He was not going to let me forget it! A month passed and I continued to pray that God would show me what he wanted me to do.
As I was researching mission trips, I ran across a program called Real Life. Real Life is a program sponsored by Adventures in Missions that is specifically designed for college students. This program gives students an opportunity to take part in missions around the world for two to five months.
When I first learned about the Real Life trips, I did not think they were for me. After all, I would have to take a semester off of college, and right now, that is one of the most important parts of my life. This kind of thinking, however, is what was holding me back. As I was looking for mission trips, I was thinking in terms of what would fit into my schedule, not what was God’s will. Even though I realized what was going on, I still did not commit to God’s plan. Going to a foreign country for three months without my family or anyone that I knew for that matter was a scary thought! I let this fear overtake me for weeks, until one night. I remember it perfectly. As I was driving home from school, I realized that God would be with me and He would never let me go. With him, I was unstoppable. There is nothing I cannot do. That night, I truly did feel unstoppable. I knew God wanted me to go on this trip and for the first time, I accepted it because I knew He would be by my side the whole entire time.
The next few weeks, I read as much as I could about the Real Life trips. Then, I finally told someone all of these plans that were building up in my head. Big sisters always know best so I went to my oldest sister, Debbie. I told her about the trip and why I wanted to go. She was so accepting and helpful.
The next step was to tell my parents. To say I was dreading this conversation would probably be an understatement. How do you tell a father that his little girl is taking a break from college and then inform him that she is going to a foreign land for months, with hardly any contact instead? That, I did not know. I made up an agenda, had all my papers and laptop in hand, and began the conversation.
Don’t get me wrong, I knew my parents would support me in anything I wanted to do. It was just difficult to convey to them, or anyone, all the emotions I was feeling and all the reasons I felt called to go on this trip.
They were a tad bit surprised but completely accepting. I still remember my dad saying, “Are you sure you don’t want to go on one of these two week trips?” In the back of my mind, I was wondering the same thing, but I knew God wanted to stretch me. I knew he wanted to take me to a place where my faith and trust would be in Him alone. I did not think that would happen on a week or two mission trip. I needed more, and that is where Real Life came in.
With my family’s support behind me, I talked to my college advisor, Dr. Gabe, who I cannot say enough wonderful words about. When I told him about my plans, he was extremely accepting and also interested. I talked to him countless times about this trip and the progress I had made over the last few months.
I had decided that I was going to take a semester off of college and go on a Real Life Trip, but what trip to choose? India, Swaziland, Kenya, Uganda, Guatemala, Thailand, or Cambodia. How could I ever choose! I prayed and prayed that God would make it clear to me. I prayed for patience, but at the same time I prayed that God would show me quickly.
Over the time period of about a month, and after talking with loved ones, I felt completely at peace with the Guatemala trip. I did not feel this peace with the other trips, so I knew it was from God.
“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:7
I had finally decided: I was headed to Guatemala in the Fall of 2011. I finally found where God wanted me to be. I know God is going to use this experience to change my life. My faith in him is going to grow so much stronger and my love for his people I think will grow in the same respect. I know God will be by my side every step of the way and I hope, although you may not be with me in Guatemala physically, that you will also be by my side. Your prayers and financial support are so much appreciated. Please continue to pray for me as I go through this journey. Pray that I will stay strong in my faith, pray that God will give me the words to say when speaking to his people, pray that the funds for my trip would come in, pray for my team members who I do not know yet, pray for peace of mind... I could go on and on! There are so many things that need your prayers. If I have learned one thing though this whole experience, it would probably be the POWER of prayer. There have been so many times that God has answered my prayers exactly. What an amazing God we serve!
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2. Click on "Mission Trip Participant"
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Choose a program: Real Life
Participant Full Name: Kathy Jacobs
2. Click on "Mission Trip Participant"
3. Fill in the information
Choose a program: Real Life
Participant Full Name: Kathy Jacobs
Thanks so much! I will continue to keep you updated.